Test Server Record in Production and make any fixes as needed
Once testing is complete, import Server data into Production
If time this week, get Case records into Sandbox II
Vistar Weekly Report
CampSite Weekly Report
Contract Bundle run (daily)
Wrapping up testing of Hivestack integration this week. Hivestack, Rubicon, and Vistar integrations will be ready for UAT and migration to prod this week
Campsite requirements are almost complete. CoreValue is starting work on that integration next, possibly followed by Place Exchange
Requested 2 new drives for CAP-NT02 SQL Server instance. These drives will hold log files and TempDB, and should drastically increase performance, hopefully alleviating some of the locking
Opening tickets today with Rackspace to build 2 new servers for Traffic (application and database servers). This effectively kicks off the upgrade for that system.
Nearing end of Logan Data work on AWS account hardening.
For the rest of the year, I will be working closely with Engineering on a program roadmap for improvements for the Building Infrastructure. Goals: Screen Agnostic, Modular, Service Driven, Secure, Portable. It also needs to include a CI/CD pipeline. See Team Site: 'Building Infrastructure' Site for documentation, Wiki.
Friday - 1/2 day FTO, Summer Friday
Met with Eliassen Group researching Jira Training
Working on IT Services Self-Assessment Survey… stay tuned
Issued the Collaboration Survey, please participate!
Time tracking sheet, update if you haven’t yet please
Working on translating time tracking into PP slides
Looker UAT coordination, working through feedback and redevelopments with CoreValue
Real Estate Sales Looker enhancement - fundamental change to model
Opportunities based reporting to Entity / Customer based reporting
GitHub and Jenkins configuration for CI/CD: Production process