CRM to NetSuite Push to Go Live 9/16/19
Capacity analysis , please continue to update Jira and the IT Time Tracking spreadsheet
Met with CoreValue, they were agreeable with us know adding our time to the projects they are working on. We would like to mirror their approach to working in Jira
Jira Mapping- Hans is back today. Please have your spreadsheets up to date so we can submit to Hans
Jira Mapping has moved to Managers only- less confusion please email me any issues or concerns we can address
O365 Roll-out continues, CHI and TOR complete. reviewing lessons learned for LA and NY
Rolling Surface Hubs being installed here in Lowell-in the house keep an eye out
O365 Transformation kick off meeting happened on Friday.
For Review:
An Initiative is a very large body of work , which spans multiple Epics and sometimes multiple teams.
An Epic represents a big user story that has not been broken down into finer-grained requirements.
A Story represents a single feature to be implemented. Usually capturing the requirements of the end use.
A Task represents a generic task that is not a bug or a story. But which needs to be completed.
A Bug represents a defect or problem that needs to be fixed.