API Integration and Geckoboard projects currently blocked by differences between SB1 and SB2, as well as the Campsite API not being ready/tested by Campsite.
Following up with Rackspace as to whether or not the storage is available to move forward with the Traffic system upgrade
Looker - RE Sales Operations enhancements
SCD / Analytical block with system notes table for Status Data over time
Looker UAT
Meeting with Julia and Tom today to KT 4 of the remaining 8 reports
Meeting with Allie and Julia on Thursday for 3 of the remaining 8 reports (LatLong SSRS, Nielsen by Building SSRS, Live Buildings SSRS)
Confirm if Finance has formally tested Affidavit Batch (SSIS/SSRS)
Looker CI/CD step by step process document
(Life - Follow-up with orthopaedic surgeon and infectious disease specialist tomorrow (8:30am, 2:30pm))