Roshan Shaik (Unlicensed) WELCOME!
Review previous action items
Collect status updates from all team members
Outline new action items
Discussion topics
Presenter | Notes |
Karen |
Andrea |
| |
Julia |
US Venues for Hivestack exclude venues for top 10% Julia may work from home Tues/Wed to support Boostr |
Leslie |
Frank |
Abe |
| |
Stacey |
Tom |
Wally | Asked alice to Define step-by-step repeatable process for having Captivate go-stick added to our system; seems like it’s done differently every time (still in Discovery phase; only a handful of test GO sticks) To be automated by CoreValue once documented |
Action items
- Andrea Molinari (Unlicensed) stacey to look at workflows; needs access to workflow, admin access in Sandbox 2